Вчитайся в смысл предложений и вставь нужное слово. Обрати внимание на разницу в написании. 1. Дорожка привела нас в ... сад. На

alekseymedvedev alekseymedvedev    1   17.04.2019 06:40    8

0LOLOLOSHKA1 0LOLOLOSHKA1  06.06.2020 11:20
1) He is doing homework
2) It is useless to argue with him
3) The book is worth reading
4) It makes no sense to go there
5) What is the point to go there
6) He can not cry
7) He hates getting bad grades
8) It is difficult to learn new words
9) He is looking forward to a trip to England
10) It's nice to return to Moscow
MrDeff MrDeff  06.06.2020 11:20
1. He does homework
2. It is useless to argue with him
3. The book is worth reading
4. It makes no sense to go there
5. What's the point to go there
6. He can not cry
7. He hates getting bad grades
8. It is difficult to learn new words
9. He is looking forward to a trip to England
10. It's nice to return to Moscow
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