В мешке 12 кг крупы. Сколько нужно пакетов, чтобы расфасовать эту крупу по 2 кг в каждый?

JLemast JLemast    2   17.04.2019 00:50    1

Sem5000 Sem5000  31.05.2020 13:41
1)wow it was the great concert isn't it?
2)yep,it was amazing,its my favorite band
1)really? Its my favorite band too
2)i know the biography of each member and i know every song and words
1)you are real fan of it,i dont like every songs of them,because some of them is very lyrics,i dont like
2)but the concert was very loud,dont you think so?
1)i agree with you,i have terrible headache,after it
2)i can give you a pill,here you are
2)oh its my home,see ya
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