⁶В мае погода может быть по-летнему тёплой. Как английские дети
отвечают на во Что для вас является началом лета?» Подчеркни
правильный вариант ответа. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.
"Summer (0) (has come/will come) because the ground (1) (is/was) hot now."
"At last my mum (2) (takes/has taken) my summer clothes out of the wardrobe. I
think I will put them on tomorrow."
"My parents tell me: "(3) (Go/To go) to the park, it's a nice day!"
"The sky is blue and it is very hot now. People (4) (have worn/are wearing) sun
"It is summer because we (5) (have/are going to have) a barbecue tomorrow."
"The (6) (longer/longest) day of the year is in summer and it is my favourite!"
"I think it is the start of summer because I (7) (am tidying up/tidied up) my house
for the summer holidays now."
"My mum (8) (bought/has bought) a new summer skirt for me. It is very nice. I (9)
(wear/am going to wear) it next Sunday."
"My friends say: "(10) (Don't forget/Not forget) to bring cakes to the picnic on the

sksool0360figf sksool0360figf    1   19.05.2020 15:56    8

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