В чем проявилось содружество наук (филологии, астрономии) и быта в стихотворении «Случились вместе два Астронома в пиру...»?

АннаЛітвін АннаЛітвін    3   17.04.2019 07:20    3

Егорка156 Егорка156  06.06.2020 20:07
Делал не с переводчика
I live in a small town, which is located in the Kemerovo region. It is located at a distance of 72 km from the regional center - the city of Kemerovo. The population of the village is 18 280 people. It is home to Russian, Tatars, Chuvash, Ukrainians, Armenians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs.The village has a regional house kultury.Tak also present a statue of Lenin.In our village there is a river Yin. The climate is that we, the winter is cold and long, summers are short and warm.
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