Unscramble the words to make phrases 1 have kit,a, b,f,r,a,e,s
2 brush your eh,t,t, e
3 wash your a,e,f,c

4 have/take a o,e,r,h,w,s
5 go o,g,g,g,n,j,i
7 get e,e,d,d,s,r,s

мгмлидт мгмлидт    1   24.02.2021 13:22    199

ира12345612 ира12345612  11.01.2024 16:58
1. have kit, a, b, f, r, a, e, s (Unscrambled phrase: have a safe break)
To solve this phrase, we need to rearrange the letters to form words. Let's start by identifying the words we can make from the given letters:
- have
- kit
- a
- b
- f
- r
- a
- e
- s

Now, let's put the words together to form the correct phrase: "have a safe break."

2. brush your eh, t, t, e (Unscrambled phrase: brush your teeth)
We need to rearrange the letters to form meaningful words. The possible words from the letters are:
- brush
- your
- eh
- t
- t
- e

Combine the words to form the phrase: "brush your teeth."

3. wash your a,e,f,c (Unscrambled phrase: wash your face)
Let's rearrange the given letters to form words:
- wash
- your
- a
- e
- f
- c

Combine the words to get the phrase: "wash your face."

4. have/take a o, e, r, h, w, s (Unscrambled phrase: have/take a shower)
Rearrange the letters to create words:
- have/take
- a
- o
- e
- r
- h
- w
- s

Combine the words to form the phrase: "have/take a shower."

5. go o, g, g, g, n, j, i (Unscrambled phrase: go jogging)
Reorder the letters to make words:
- go
- o
- g
- g
- g
- n
- j
- i

Combine the words to get the phrase: "go jogging."

6. h, a, c, w, t (Unscrambled phrase: watch)
There is only one word possible with the given letters: "watch."

The phrase is simply "watch."

7. get e, e, d, d, s, r, s (Unscrambled phrase: get dressed)
Rearrange the letters to create words:
- get
- e
- e
- d
- d
- s
- r
- s

Combine the words to form the phrase: "get dressed."

In summary, unscrambling the given words results in the following phrases:
1. have a safe break
2. brush your teeth
3. wash your face
4. have/take a shower
5. go jogging
6. watch
7. get dressed
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