Учень прочитав 150 сторінок, що становить 5/7 книжки. Скільки сторінок у книжці?

nf781 nf781    3   17.04.2019 01:20    18

afsanka98 afsanka98  01.06.2020 02:21
Пишу по 2 топику.
Some people say that it's no use to applying to a popular university.I don't agree with this position.Firstly,popular universities are known in all over the world and then you finished studing in one of them you can easy find a good job for you and most of people would interested in you.Secondly, in popular universities work the best teachers because there is higher salary then in unpopular.Finally, popular universities have better equipment then other,becouse goverment spend more many on popular universities.
In conclusion, i want to say what there are very big different between popular university and unpopular,but many things are depends on person.
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