Translate the situations into English: 1. Теперь, когда я уже неделю живу в английской семье в Брайтоне, давай я расскажу тебе немного о современных традициях

Alpetrova7 Alpetrova7    2   17.04.2019 04:10    14

gilkatay1 gilkatay1  17.04.2019 04:10
1. Now that I’ve been staying with a British family here in Brighton for a week, let me tell you a few things about English food traditions today. I’m sure it’s one of the most interesting aspects of any national culture. To start with, breakfast here is very different from what my mum usually cooks. It’s something very light, like cornflakes or cereal with milk, some toast and jam and a cup of coffee. Lunch is even more unusual than a four-course meal we usually have in Russia. There is no soup, no fish or meat with a side dish. I usually have got a box with a packed lunch with me – there are a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches, an apple or banana, some cookies and a drink. A lot of local people prefer packed lunch like this. The only home-cooked meal is dinner. It’s my favourite. They usually serve green salad, roast chicken or beef and some very delicious dessert. My host family all prefer ice cream, but I like some home-baked dessert called "trifles". I’d like to learn the recipe and make it when I‘m back home. My parents will take pride of my cooking talents. (from Denis’s, 14, letter to his friend in Russia)

- Excuse me. Is the open-air market far away?
– Not really. It’s only a two-minute walk from here. I’ve just been there.
– How do you like it?
– I love it. I’ve been buying food here since we moved to this area 5 years ago. Everything I buy from this place is very fresh.
– How are the prices?
– Very reasonable, I must say.
– Thank you.
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