Translate the dialogue: Ты не мне купить продукты для праздничного стола к моему дню рождения?

mashechca mashechca    3   17.04.2019 04:10    1

Айнұра Айнұра  17.04.2019 04:10
— Can you help me to buy food for my birthday party?
— With pleasure. Did you write your shopping list yourself?
— No, together with my mum. I only added souvenirs for games and contests.
— Do you need to buy any meat or fish? I don’t know anything about it.
— Don’t worry! This year we decided to have tea. So we’ll buy some chocolates, cookies and fruit.
— What about the cake? I saw candles in the shopping list.
— We’ll buy everything for the cake: some flour, eggs, some sugar, sour ream and nuts. My mum is going to make it herself. I’ll help her.
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