Task 3. Use SOME or ANY 1. Have you got paper clips?

2. Here, have nuts!

3. Is there sugar in my coffee?

4. My brother has got new jeans.

5. Are there apples on the tree in your garden?

6. Have we got butter?

7. They've got baby giraffe in the zoo.

8. I'm going to the market to buy fruit

КотБарис1 КотБарис1    2   20.05.2021 09:48    0

berezenetsdash berezenetsdash  20.05.2021 09:50

1.Any 2.Some 3. Any 4.Some 5.Any 6.Any


Any используются с отрицательным ответом и с вопросом. Some с положительным ответом

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