Study the situation and complete the telephone conversation. Situation: You want to have an excursion round the city. You want to take a friend who uses a wheelchair.

Джaмиль Джaмиль    3   17.04.2019 04:30    2

layzor layzor  17.04.2019 04:30
Catherine: Hello, this is Catherine Flinch, Tourist Information Centre.
You: This is I’m going to have an excursion round the city and I want to take a friend with me. He uses a wheelchair. Do you provide any facilities to help people get on and off the bus?
C: Yes, if steps are impossible for your friend, we can offer a flexibus.
You: What’s that?
C: It’s a bus with an electric lift to help passengers in wheelchairs board it.
You: Sounds good. Can I book the excursion right now?
C: Yes, of course.
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