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daniktsarev daniktsarev    1   17.04.2019 02:20    5

анора10 анора10  02.06.2020 09:24
How much is the fruit? The seller will tell you the weight in a minute.
The British flag was flattering in the wind, which meant that the queen was in the palace.
Look at this huge tree, bending down over the water. 
Uncle Jack never seemed to be happy, but that day he was particularly gloomy. (especially dull).
If you're going to mutter to yourself, the class won't hear you.
Promise me that you will speak loudly. 
Don't make a fuss, I'll do everything by myself. 
Tigers, cats, cheetahs and lions have got paws, and bulls, cows, sheep and pigs have got hooves.
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