Role play. Clare is suggesting going to Hampton Court Palace*. Complete the conversation. Use the sentences from the box. — I was reading Strange Tales of Hampton Court*

pirishok pirishok    2   17.04.2019 04:20    9

BaBaika322 BaBaika322  17.04.2019 04:20
Ролевая игра. Клэр решила пойти во дворец Кэмптон-Корт. Что её друзья говорят в ответ? Дополните разговор. Используйте слова в рамке.
Clare: Why don't we go to Hampton Court Palace?
Marie: I'd like to go there. I haven't been there yet.
Paul: We watched a film about Henry VIII at the history lesson last week. I liked it.
Marc: And I was reading "Strange Tales of Hampton Court" all evening yesterday. They were interesting and thrilling!
Clare: Well, let's go there now!
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