Read and remember. 1. hard (усердный) — hard (усердно) hardly (едва, с трудом) Paul works hard. (a lot)

София1991 София1991    1   17.04.2019 04:30    0

sofa287 sofa287  17.04.2019 04:30
Прочитайте и запомните.
1. hard (усердный) — hard (усердно) hardly (едва, с трудом)
Paul works hard, (a lot)
She could hardly speak for tears, (with difficulty)
2. late (поздний) — late (поздно) lately (в последнее время)
Even late at night the skating rink is busy, (at a late time of the night)
1 haven't seen your niece lately, (recently) Has she gone away?
3. near (близкий) — near (близко) nearly (почти)
The Brooks live near the stadium, (not far from)
It took him nearly two hours to get there, (almost)
4. high (высокий) — high (высоко) highly (очень, чрезвычайно)
The famous sportsman has jumped very high.
She thinks highly of your game, (very well)
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