Read and complete 1 ... oranges are there in the bag? 2 ... butter is there in the fridge?

зарина67489 зарина67489    3   17.04.2019 04:00    3

чиполина2 чиполина2  17.04.2019 04:00

Read and complete  1   ... oranges are there in th

  1. How many oranges are there in the bag? — Сколько апельсинов в сумке?
  2. How much butter is there in the fridge? — Сколько масла в холо­дильнике?
  3. How much bread is there on the table? — Сколько хлеба на столе?
  4. How many eggs are there in the box? — Сколько яиц в коробке?
  5. How many potatoes are there in the cupboard? — Сколько картошки в шкафу?
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