Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous. Dear Sam. How are you? You won't believe what

ideliya2006 ideliya2006    2   17.04.2019 04:10    2

lllGlitcherlll lllGlitcherlll  17.04.2019 04:10
1 happened (случилось)
2 was walking (гуляли)
3 spotted (заметил)
4 started (начал)
5 turned (оказался)
6 grabbed (схватил)
7 was trying (пытался)
8 took (взял)
9 saw (увидел)
10 knew (понял)
11 had found (нашли)
12 went (пошли)
13 examined (исследовали)
14 announced (объявили)
15 had been waiting (ждала)
16 came (пришли)
17 dug (выкопали)
18 didn't find (не нашли)
19 had come (пришла)
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