Правление Петра I стало переломной вехой в отечественной истории. В результате Петровских реформ Россия, частично преодолев отставание от передовых стран Европы,

angelicafifa angelicafifa    3   17.04.2019 03:10    142

6aPaLlJek 6aPaLlJek  03.06.2020 08:27
1. She likes to go shopping? 2. Why she loves to go shopping? 3. What is her experience shopping trips? Last time she went shopping? 5. What does she like about it more? #2 How was it the best shopping? What children like / do not like shopping trips?
Хелена007 Хелена007  03.06.2020 08:27
1) No, he does not like to shop. 2) He does not like to go shopping because it takes a long time and he does not like change all the time. 3) it is not so often goes shopping because he does not like to do. And so little experience. 4) he was shopping yesterday, but did not really want to do it. 5) he did not like this, or just the fact that he walks with his parents. ответила только на 1 карточку
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