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Social Networks

In today’s world, social networks are among the most popular enterprises. The plateau of users on sites such as

Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, to name a few, ranges in the millions. Nowadays, every advertisement,

company and event has a Facebook page. However why are social networks so widespread and widely used?

As we live in an era where technology is at its peak and is in constant development, things like reading books on

the internet, shopping online and communication with contacts around the globe, which were impossible a

hundred years ago, are now part of everyday life. The most vital part of today’s world is speed – the speed of

acquiring information. The appeal of social networks lies firstly in their accessibility – the registration on most of

the popular social networks is free of charge. Accessibility and ease of use is what makes sites such as

Facebook and Myspace appealing. Secondly social networks create the possibility to connect with friends,

acquaintances or even strangers across the world, which is vital in the modern world. While during the

pre-internet era communication required countless amounts of time, energy and money then today it is only a

click away. In addition social networks allow people to monitor the social developments of their ‘friend list’.

Finally, in addition to fulfilling the task of a social network, sites such as Facebook, provide entertainment for their

users. Take for instance the Facebook applications, which feature all kinds of quizzes and games for the users.

However like in most cases social networks have also a negative side and it is important to ask whether the

benefits of social networking outweigh the dangers of it. One of the problems associated with social network

services is that during the process of registration, users are asked to fill in mandatory fields requiring personal

information. By providing social network services with personal information including full name, address, schools,

and hobbies, users also enable anyone to access it, which could impose various risks. For instance the provided

personal information could be stolen from the service provider and used for wrong purposes. Another possibility

is that the companies providing the social network service may themselves use the provided personal


Another problem associated with social networks is the social profile of a person – the image of themselves that

they present to others. The internet offers various freedoms and thus often users upload photos of themselves,

post messages and so on but do not consider the consequences. Once something is on the internet, it stays

there forever. Or as it can be said that on the internet, namely on social networking sites you can never be certain

of who is “listening”.

As social networking websites have obtained such popularity, many employers as well as educational

establishments monitor/check the image of a possible candidate in order to study their personality and suitability

before acceptance. Therefore every user should be aware of their image on social networking sites as they may

affect his or her future prospects.

Furthermore accessibility of personal information on the Worldwide Web may attract internet predators and

stalkers. In a U.S. National Institute of Justice stalking statistics report stated that 8.1 percent of surveyed women

and 2.2 percent of surveyed men reported being stalked. An overall 10.3% of people have reported being stalked

online . According to statistics from W.H.O.A. (Working to Halt On-line Abuse) 19.5% of cyber stalking cases

escalate to offline stalking , which could be dangerous to the victim’s life.

Therefore it is important to acknowledge both the positive and negative sides of social networks and make use of

the benefits while at the same time bearing in mind the consequences​

Мурзиантка Мурзиантка    3   18.01.2021 20:39    0

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