На дне ручья лежит камешек. Мальчик хочет попасть в него палкой. Прицеливаясь, он держит палку в воздухе под углом 45°. На каком расстоянии от камешка

mamaevseenko mamaevseenko    2   17.04.2019 06:40    13

uliaiachnovetz uliaiachnovetz  06.06.2020 09:04
1. I (will have to) get up at eight o'clock next Monday.
2. We (do not have to) go to school every day.
3. You (will have to) clean your room next Saturday.
4. I (will have to) phone my friend later.
5. My mother (havs to) work on Sundays.
6. He (has to) go soon.
7. They (will have to) phone us tomorrow. We are going to visit them.
AlisaKalten AlisaKalten  06.06.2020 09:04
1) I will have to get up at eight o clock next Monday2) We do not have to go to school every day.3) You  will  have to  clean your room next Saturday.4) I will have to phone my friend later.5) My mother has to work on Saturday.6) He will have to go soon.7) They will have to  phone us tomorrow. We are going to visit them
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