Лидером политической партии, имеющей большинство в палате лордов, на должность премьер-министра назначает

SerPol SerPol    2   17.04.2019 00:10    2

Неня2003 Неня2003  30.05.2020 17:55

Tom and Jerry is a very famous cartoon. It is known all over the world. Many children and not only children like this cartoon. Tom is a cunning cat and Jerry is a very clever mouse. The plot of the story can understand everybody . It is a comedic fight between a house cat a clever and lucky mouse.   

Двоечник111111111111 Двоечник111111111111  30.05.2020 17:55

Tom - one of the main characters of the cartoon series Tom and Jerry, his main rival - mouse Jerry, with whom he had constant conflicts on various issues. Basically Tom is an advocate crazy running around the house, but it is easy to provocations by Jerry and trying to prove their dominance in the house. Sometimes Tom drives a simple desire to have fun and eat little mouse and his friends. Tom tries to be a good house cat to gain the approval and love of his mistress


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