Изменения в мировоззрении европейцев в средневековье 15 в, в эпоху возрождения 15-16 века и эпоху просвещения 17-18 вв

dimalol3373 dimalol3373    3   17.04.2019 02:50    1

LuzuVloks LuzuVloks  02.06.2020 23:23
My friend and her family. This is my friend. Her name is Lena. She has got a big family. She has got a sister and two brothers. She has got a graandad and a grandma. But she hasn't got a cousin.
ksdaga ksdaga  02.06.2020 23:23
My friend and her family. This is my friend. Her name is Lena. Lena has got a ___big___family. __She__has got a mother, a father and a sister. Lena has got _a grendmother ___,__a grandfather__. But___she__hasn't got__aunts__.
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