In pairs, match countries 1-15 with their flags A-О. Give the official names of the countries. Then complete the table with the names of the official languages and the names of the people

gore489 gore489    2   17.04.2019 04:20    4

Sashaooo Sashaooo  17.04.2019 04:20
Countries – Languages — People
1-K. Russia — Russian — Russian
2-O. the UK — English, Welsh, Scots Gaelic — Englishman/Welshman/Scotsman/Irishman (or -woman)
3-C. the USA – English — American
4-N. Australia – English — Australian
5-F. India – Indian — Indian
6-D. Greece — Greek — Greek
7-M. Italy – Italian — Italian
8-G. Spain – Spanish — Spaniard
9-E. Germany – German — German
10-I. Cambodia – Cambodian — Cambodian
11-L. France – French — Frenchman (-woman)
12-H. Egypt – Arabic — Egyptian
13-A. Holland — Dutch — Netherlander, Dutchman
14-B. China – Chinese — Chinese
15-J. Canada – English\French — Canadian
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