Грузовая машина привезла 1,5 т песка. Какую площадь двора можно засыпать этим песком при толщине слоя 5 см? Плотность песка 1500 кг/м3.

vaneevartem625 vaneevartem625    2   17.04.2019 05:10    5

FrelPro FrelPro  05.06.2020 04:50
Almost all summer vacation I stayed at home. The first month I worked and I spent almost all salary for painting of hair in lilac color. The second month I went out with the friends and drew arts on the computer. And only at the end of July I went to Omsk. Having visited three days there we with a family went to Kazakhstan. There we bathed on the small river, ate ice cream, climbed up the mountain and went to falls. In the last day we rode horses, swam for a while by the boat and swam in the lake late evening. When we arrived back to Omsk we first of all of course went to the village on shish kebabs. To have a rest two days in the village I and mother went to the city to buy things in school. And after we came back home and in a week went to school.
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