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mumuminecraft mumuminecraft    1   17.04.2019 01:10    1

SchoolWolf SchoolWolf  31.05.2020 21:49
 1) Does he know the answer? He doesn`t know the answer
2) Does he usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock? He usually hasn`t breakfast at 8 o’clock
3) Does the bell ring at 8.30?  The bell doesn`t ring at 8.30.
4) Do the flowers look fresh? The flowers don`t look fresh
5) Does he live in a big city? He doesn`t live in a big city/
6) Does she have a cold shower every day? She Doesn`t have a
cold shower every day.
7.Does He remember their address?  He doesn`t remember their address.  8. Does He play chess well?  He doesn`t play chess well. 
 9. Does She leave home at 9 a.m.  She doesn`t leave home at 9 a.m  10. Does She agree with you? She doesn`t agree with you.  11. Do They feel very cold?   They don`t feel very cold. 
 12. Does Tom look well?  Tom doesn`t look well  13. Do They pick apples in the garden? They don`t pick apples in the garden.  14. Does the last train
 leave at midnight?  The last train doesn`t leave at midnight. 15. Does The star move round the Sun?  The star doesn`t move round the Sun. 


 1. Does It take
 me an hour to get to the Academy? It doesn`t take me an hour to get to the Academy.  2. Do we do morning exercises every morning? We don`t do morning exercises every morning. 3.  Does He do his work well? He doesn`t do his work well. 4. Do I have breakfast at home?  I don`t have breakfast at home. . 5.  Are there  many flowers in the vase? There aren`t many flowers in the vase.  6.  Is it cold in the room?  It isn`t cold in the room.  7. Are they students.  They aren`t students. 8.Is there much water in the glass.  There isn`t much water in the glass.  9. Is My Mum at home?  My Mum isn`t at home.  10.Am i hungry? I am not hungry  11. Does it snow in
 winter? It doesn`t snow in winter. 12. Does It rain in autumn?  It doesn`t rain in autumn.
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