Чем, по мнению Митрофана, отличается существительное от прилагательного и есть ли в его ответе здравый смысл? Фонвизина «Недоросль»

Kennyssess Kennyssess    3   17.04.2019 07:20    10

kopatirina94 kopatirina94  07.06.2020 06:55
1 were received
2 is eaten
3 are built
4 was given
5 will be done
6 will be sent

1 The electric bulb was invented by Thomas A. Edison in the 17th century.
2 The flowers are watered by them regularly.
3 This ballet will be staged by the famous ballet dancers in 15 countries.
4 The Kalahari Desert was explored by D. Livingston from 1841 to 1852.
5 The roof of the house will be painted by the boys.
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