Часто в речи употребляются имена, названия, образные выражения, заимствованные из древнегреческой мифологии. Говорят о «титанической борьбе»

andrei79smirnov andrei79smirnov    3   17.04.2019 01:50    13

Ejdncenejfjdj Ejdncenejfjdj  01.06.2020 19:18
Pavlodar, a city in Kazakhstan, the administrative center of the Pavlodar region. Is 450 km from Astana. Center of regional development of high technologies. The population was 330.8 people.
Founded in 1720 as Koryakovsky outpost. The name given on the Radom Korâkovskomu Lake. In 1838, converted to page Korâkovskuû (Koryak). In 1861 he received the status of a town and the name Pavlodar, in honor of the newborn child of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich.
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