ABCD — прямоугольная трапеция с прямым углом при вершине D, угол BAD = 30°, BF — перпендикуляр, проведённый из вершины В к прямой AD. Вычислите

Саша13398 Саша13398    3   17.04.2019 03:40    1

askerovaa1 askerovaa1  03.06.2020 22:04
1) Clowns paint their faces and wear colourful clothes to look funny.
2) They are listening to the band playing at the parade.
3) We're dancing to music in the street.
4) After they crown the queen she is going to walk around streets and meet the people.
5) Everyone is listening to music and dancing in the streets of the city center.
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