4 Fill in: appealing, nourishing, lunchtime,
packed, nursery, portions, basically.
7 use
This restaurant serves very small
I'm always hungry after I leave here!
2 Babies drink a lot of milk as it's very ...
for them and helps them to grow up strong and
3 Patty likes sharing her food with the other little
children at the ...
... school
4 Traditional Spanish tortilla, which is ...
a thick potato omelette, is very popular in Spain.
5 Could we meet at
Not only should obentos be nourishing and
healthy, they should also look
7 Peter doesn't like the food that they serve at his
school canteen so he always brings a
lunch from home.​

falendadmitry falendadmitry    2   19.10.2020 09:51    26

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