Many bacteria like E coli and Salmonella have flagellae that they use to move, but there are some that do not like Staphylococcus, and these are classed as nonmotile. They are alive, but incapable of purposeful movement--as far as we know
Many bacteria like E coli and Salmonella have flagellae that they use to move,but there are some that don't like Staphylococcus,and these are classed as nonmotile.They are alive,but incapble of purposeful movement as far as we know.
Many bacteria like E coli and Salmonella have flagellae that they use to move, but there are some that do not like Staphylococcus, and these are classed as nonmotile. They are alive, but incapable of purposeful movement--as far as we know
Many bacteria like E coli and Salmonella have flagellae that they use to move,but there are some that don't like Staphylococcus,and these are classed as nonmotile.They are alive,but incapble of purposeful movement as far as we know.