19 Read and circle. Then listen and check.
Hi, Joho!
was great!
Ocean. The sand there is black! I swam every morning. We visited
the rainforest, too. We took lots of pictures of all the animals
Mum and Dad took me to see the waterfalls and climb the
mountains. It was a wonderful holiday!
Write and tell me all about your holiday.
Take care,
! Pat ...
! 1 stayed near a rainforest / the Pacific Ocean
2 swam in the morning / evening.
3 visited the desert / rainforest.
4 saw the waterfalls / lakes
How are you? I'm writing to tell you about my holiday in Hawaii. It
I went there with my family. We stayed at a hotel near the Pacific​

syrok20031812 syrok20031812    3   02.12.2020 04:57    1

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