Змініть структуру даних речень, вживаючи пасивний стан дієслова (Passive Voice).

1. We did not receive this letter after our departure.
2. Have the dogs ever attacked you?
3. Bees gather honey from the flowers.
4. The storm drove the ship against the rock.
5. Who discovered the circulation of the blood?
6. The man is selling ice-cream but he is not selling chocolate ice-cream.
7. The little boy showed us his new friend.

Ksushhha00 Ksushhha00    3   15.01.2021 21:31    0

akonya24 akonya24  15.01.2021 22:00

не нужно врать, зверху написано что даётся 18 б, а ты сказал 35

xotmirov1 xotmirov1  15.01.2021 22:00

1) This letter was received after his depature.

2) Have you ever been attacked by dogs?

3) Honey is gathered from flowers by bees.

4) The ship was driven against the rock by the storm.

5) Who(m) was the circulation of blood discovered by?

6) Delicious fruit ice cream is being sold there now.

7) His new friend was showed us by the little boy.

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