Жил-был один слоненок у него было много одежды но она ему была мала. когда папа увидел что одежда ему была мала он пошёл в магазини купил ему вещи. переведите на .яз

Dilya0608 Dilya0608    3   07.03.2019 13:50    1

kalymkulovramaz kalymkulovramaz  24.05.2020 03:16

lived was an elephant he had a lot of clothes but it was small. When the father saw that the clothes he was little he went to the store and bought him things.

Янрей Янрей  24.05.2020 03:16

Veins-was one elephant calf at it was a lot of clothes but it to it was small. When the father has seen that the clothes to it were small it have gone to shop and have bought to it things

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