Здравствуйте вставить пропущенный слова в предложения. Заранее благодарю. Ronnie Biggs is probably one of the most famous 1 in Britain. In August 1963, with 14 other gang members he stole 2.6 million pounds from a mail train travelling 2 Glasgow and London. This was an 3 large amount of money at the time. However, the police caught him in September and he 4 to prison for 30 years. But Biggs only stayed in prison 5 July 1965, when he escaped and eventually ran away to Australia with his wife and sons. They 6 there for 3 years when the police found out that they were in the country. So Biggs had to run away again, this time to Brazil, but without his family. Biggs lived a relatively 7 life in Brazil for over 30 years but returned, voluntarily, to the UK in 2001. The police 8 him as soon as he got off the plane and sent him back to jail. Since then he 9 various health problems and, as a result, he 10 from prison in 2009.

1 A arsonists B burglars C murderers D robbers
2 A between B from C in D at
3 A absolutely B definitely C deliberately D extremely
4 A has been sent B had sent C sent D was sent
5 A for B from C since D until
6 A had been living B have lived C lived D were living
7 A enjoy B enjoyable C enjoying D enjoyment
8 A arrested B asked C flew D invited
9 A had B had had C has D has had
10 A has been released B has released C released D was released

ksenia7567012 ksenia7567012    1   28.05.2021 18:05    0

salgis salgis  27.06.2021 18:05





4-was sent


6-had been living



9-has had

10-was released

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