Здравствуйте по английскому надо прочитать текст и
Here are four questions, which introduce the four paragraphs in the article. They are not in the right order. Write down the correct question for each paragraph.
1. a. How are people and animals different?
b. How many people are there?
c. What can people choose to do?
d. What is the biggest difference between people and animals?
2. Check your lists of what people and animals can and can't do. What ideas did you have that are not in the article?
3. How do people communicate?
4. Why is writing a special kind of communication?
5. What do you think
a. Do animals have a sense of past and future?
b. How do animals communicate? you think?
c. In what ways are we looking after the world, and in what ways are we destroying it?​

Здравствуйте по английскому надо прочитать текст иHere are four questions, which introduce the four

NovaRich NovaRich    2   07.09.2020 17:50    0

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