Здравствуйте, надо ответить на вопросы по данному тексту! "I usually get up at about 8 o'clock. Then I have breakfast – coffee or tea and some toasts. After this I go down to the library and read the paper. There are a lot of us at the library. We never say we are unemployed but we know. I look at all the possible jobs in the papers (This takes about a minute!). I read the sports and the arts pages, and soon it is time for lunch, so I go off down to the shops for bread, milk, fresh vegetables and 25 pence worth of cheese. I like shopping, and I like cooking now too. On the way back from the shops I buy a local paper and look at the jobs advertisements over lunch (soup and bread and butter).

After "lunch" on Mondays and Wednesdays I go to a carpentry class. These classes are free for unemployed people. It is important to do a lot of things when you are unemployed. You need a routine for the day. On the other days of the week I go for walks if the weather is all right, or I read. At about 6 o'clock I start preparing the Big Meal of the day. I take a lot of time over this. It's usually vegetables and cheese, or sometimes spaghetti. After supper my wife and I read, or play chess. Every Friday we go to a pub, or to the cinema. I don't watch TV much. Usually at 10.30 we turn off the heater and go to bed."

1. Have you …? No, I haven't. I'm unemployed.
2. What time ...? At eight o'clock.
3. What...? Coffee or tea, and toast.
4. Where …? To the library.
5. Why…? Because I want to read the papers.
6. Which parts …? The job advertisements, the sports ads, arts
7. What ...? I go shopping and I buy a local paper.
8. What …? Usually I have soup and bread and butter.
9. What...? I go to a carpentry class.
10. When …? On Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
11. What …? I go for a walk or read.
12. When …? At about six.
13. What …? Talk, play games or read.
14. Do …? No, not much.
15. When …? At about 10:30.

Qwerty20020505 Qwerty20020505    1   24.11.2020 10:18    1

GoodSmileEweryDay GoodSmileEweryDay  24.12.2020 10:19

1. employed

2.are you get up

3. are you have to breakfast?

4.where are you go?

5.why are you go  to library?

6. which parts are you do?

7. What are you doing at the moment?

8. What are you have to lunch?

9. what do you do?

10. when are you go to the to the carpentry class?

11. What do you do?

12. when are you start preparing the Big Meal of the day?

13. What are you do after supper your wife?

14. do you watch TV much?

15. when are you,all turn off the heater and go to bed?


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