Здраствуйте, нужна с английским. Complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verbs given.

see•walk•get•not have•drive•be

1 When I them, they along the river.
2 When we to the airport, I realized that my passport.
3 As they to school, therean accident on the road.
4 I downstairs when they ……………………….
5 While we ………………………, she ……………………… to feel unwell.

II Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the text.

When the police (1) ………………………a case, they normally look for evidence. If there’s no evidence, they can’t
(2) ………………………anyone of the crime. They analyse the evidence carefully and when they are ready, they question the (3) ………………………. They only (4) ………………………that person when they think they can (5) ………………………the case.
1 A suspect B accuse C investigate
2 A charge B accuse C collect
3 A boss B detective C suspect
4 A charge B analyse C collect
5 A investigate B question C prove

III Complete the sentences with one preposition in each gap.
1 I was cleaning my room yesterday and I came ………………………an old diary.
2 Detectives are looking ………………………two men in a black car. They escaped from the police station this morning.
3 Can you find ………………………when the exam starts?
4 The police are looking ………………………the theft of a computer from the school. They’re questioning teachers and students.
5 Nobody knew where the stolen jewellery was, but it turned ………………………in New York three years ago.

IV Complete the text with the correct noun form of the words given.

I saw an interesting (1) ………………………(discuss) about crime on TV last night. The presenter was saying that nowadays there is less serious crime like (2) ………………………(burgle). However, things like (3) ………………………(vandal) and
(4) ………………………(pirate) are more common. She said that they are all crimes and that there is no
(5) ………………………(different) between them. The other people on the programme didn’t agree with her.

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.

1 I discovered that Mary and Roy are getting married.
I………………………Mary and Roy are getting married.

2 I walked through the park and saw your cat.
While I………………………through the park, I saw your cat.

3 The police had no idea who stole the money.
The police couldn’t……………………… who stole the money.

4 They’re arresting that old man for stealing money from a bank.
They’re arresting that old man because he ………………………a bank.

dukto5555 dukto5555    3   29.04.2021 15:43    247

toly22 toly22  24.01.2024 16:04
1. When I saw them, they were walking along the river.
- In this sentence, we are talking about a past action that was in progress. We use the past continuous form of the verb "walk" because it describes an ongoing action at a specific point in the past.

2. When we got to the airport, I realized that I did not have my passport.
- Here, we use the past simple form of "get" and "have" because these actions happened and were completed in the past.

3. As they were driving to school, there was an accident on the road.
- Again, we use the past continuous form of "drive" because it describes an ongoing action in the past. The past simple form of "be" is used to indicate the existence of an accident.

4. I was downstairs when they arrived.
- In this sentence, we use the past continuous form of "be" to indicate the ongoing action of being downstairs at a specific point in the past.

5. While we were chatting, she started to feel unwell.
- Here, both "were chatting" and "started" are in the past continuous form. "Were chatting" describes the ongoing action, and "started" indicates the beginning of another action.

II. Choose the best answer:
1. C - investigate
2. A - charge
3. B - detective
4. C - collect
5. C - prove

III. Complete the sentences with one preposition in each gap:
1. upon
2. for
3. out
4. into
5. up

IV. Complete the text with the correct noun form of the words given:
1. discussion
2. burglary
3. vandalism
4. piracy
5. difference

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first:
1. I found out that Mary and Roy are getting married.
2. While walking through the park, I saw your cat.
3. The police couldn't identify who stole the money.
4. They're arresting that old man because he robbed a bank.
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