Завтра КР
II. Fill in: concentration, carbohydrates, recipe, eyesight, raw.

There are high amounts of ….. in ice, potatoes and cereals.

As you get older your ….. begins to fail.

I have a delicious chocolate cake ……..

….. vegetables are extremely good for you.

I often lack …. In the afternoon.

III.Choose the correct word.

I, m making a fruit salad with apples, peach and cabbage/grapes/peas

The soup is very tasty. What additives/seeds/spices did you use?

Is there anything to eat? My tummy is rumbling/moving/starving.

I don’t like Tommy at all. I think his smiles are always fake/artificial

IV.Complete the sentences with the correct form of Conditionals.

This soup (taste) better, if you had added more salt.

If you (have) toothache, I would go to the dentist.

If you (study) more, you would have passed exams.

If I (be) you, I wouldn’t eat that.

You won’t have indigestion, if you (avoid) spicy food.

V. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

1 My family is always very ………. of my decision. SUPPORT

2. She is very ……. person; no wonder she’s a babysitter. CARE

3. He is well- …… man in the community. RESPECT

4. This book is really …… . INTEREST

5. The actor is very ….. in England. FAME

Контрольная работа 10 класс Модуль 6

II variant

Match the words/phrases

Fill in: sprinkle, indigestion, grilled, rumbling, watermelon.

I. m really hungry – my tummy’s …..!

Don’t ear so fast – you’ll get …..!

My favourite fruit is ……. It’s really refreshing.

……. chicken is healthier than fried.

I like to …. chocolate on top of my cappuccino.

Choose the correct word.

Liz is so greedy/hungry/starving; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else.

My favourite vegetables are broccoli, cabbage and plums/carrots/pears.

You can get this medicine only with a doctor’s prescription/recipe.

I find this natural lemonade is extremely bitter/sour/sweet.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of Conditionals.

If I (not have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.

If he (not study) harder, he won’t pass his French exam.

If I (be) you, wouldn’t eat that.

If you hadn’t eaten cheese and fish foe dinner you (not get) red spots all over your body.

You (not loose) weight, if you eat ice-cream every day.

V. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

1. My car is very ….. . I don’t spend much money on petrol. ECONOMY

2. Haggis is … a Scottish dish. TRADITION.

3. Julia Roberts is one of the most …… actresses in the world. FAME

4. It is important to be fit and …… . HEALTH

5. The new comedy show on BBC 2 is really ….. ENTERTAIN

evelinkazelenyak evelinkazelenyak    1   01.03.2020 14:43    6

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