Завершите предложения словами must или mustn't

1. We ___ eat inside the gallery! 2. You ___ be quiet in the library. 3. You ___ talk in the theatre. 4. We ___ feed the animals at the zoo. It's dangerous. 5. Children ___ stay close to their parents. 6. We ___ take photos. It's bad for the paintings. 7. You ___ leave by 6 o'clock or you'll be late

zaharkakorsunov zaharkakorsunov    1   14.05.2020 17:33    11

zakharakobinetowxuit zakharakobinetowxuit  06.09.2020 13:01

1. Mustn't

2. Must

3. Mustn't

4. Mustn't

5. Must

6. Mustn't

7. Must

evgen22regiooon evgen22regiooon  06.09.2020 13:01


We mustn't eat inside the gallery! 2. You must be quiet in the library. 3. You mustn't talk in the theatre. 4. We mustn't feed the animals at the zoo. It's dangerous. 5. Children must stay close to their parents. 6. We mustn't take photos. It's bad for the paintings. 7. You must leave by 6 o'clock or you'll be late


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