Завершите фразы, выбрав подходящие по смыслу лексико-грамматические варианты. Укажите номера выбранных вариантов под соответствующей буквой (а-е). Have you ever noticed how compulsive shoppers are never in a hurry when they are hunting for something to buy? It's not that I want to be unkind to these people, but it has always struck me that this sort of person must be able to a)__ up with the most incredible boredom. I myself am an extremely reluctant shopper. I only have to b)__ department store and I am immediately seized by a desire to run away. a glimpse of the window of a large To be c)__ ,I think it has something to d)__ with the fact that I was once wrongly (е)__ of shop-lifing.

a) 1) catch 2) put 3) make 4) get

b) 1) note 2) catch 3) throw 4) notice

с) 1) honest 2) true 3) reliable 4) right

d) 1) go 2) put 3) do 4) be

e) 1) fined 2) riticized 3) guilty 4) аccused

rudypal12p08ufl rudypal12p08ufl    1   17.06.2021 10:36    12

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