Завершите факты о великобритании используя слова. elections, government, laws, parties, queen. 1. the three mail_ in the uk are the conservatives, labour and the liberal democrats. 2. elizabeth || is the _, but her husband, prince philip, is not a king. 3. in the uk, _ are always on the a thursday. 4. inside the house of commons, the _ sits on one side of the room and the other mps sit on the other side. 5. british mps vote on new _ every year.

nbolshakova1 nbolshakova1    2   27.09.2019 02:10    2

tamilatumasheva tamilatumasheva  08.10.2020 21:39

1 parties2 queen 3 elections 4 government 5 laws

bilianskamaria03 bilianskamaria03  08.10.2020 21:39

1. The three mail parties in the UK are the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

2. Elizabeth || is the queen, but her husband, Prince Philip, is not a king.

3. In the UK, elections are always on the a Thursday.

4. Inside the House of Commons, the government sits on one side of the room and the other MP's sit on the other side.

5. British MP's vote on new laws every year.

P.S. MP's - это члены парламента (Members of Parliament)

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