Завершить предложения.1) what's this? what are they? example: an eagle-it's a bird. eagles,parrots-they are birds. a) a pear-it') a ) a ) a water-) the thames? the volga? -) london,moskow,paris- g) great britain, russia, spain- 2)who were these people? example; j.r.r tolkien? -he was a writer. f.chopin,j.s.bach? -they were composers. a) shakespeare? -) c.) i.) elizabet ) sir w.) john lenon? paul mccartney? -) l.carroll? a.) iiya repin? j. вас

darya942 darya942    1   13.06.2019 19:00    1

mru199 mru199  10.07.2020 17:27
Horse - its an animal, a rose - its a flower, e) they are rivers f) They are capitals g) They are Countries 2) a) He was a writer and a poet b) He was an actor c) He was a scientist d) She was a Empress 
Про остальных я не знаю найди в интернете кто они такие а потом переведи в  переводчике и напиши по примеру если один человек, то He/She was a ( профессия) если перечисление имен, то напиши They were ( профессия в мн ч.)
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