Завдання 1. Відкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово-присудок в правильному часі. 1. I never (to be) to London.
2. They always (to visit) interesting places in our country in summer.
3. WE (to write) a test in Ukrainian last Monday.
4. We (to go) to school next September.
5. Look, the children (to play) on the playground.
Завдання 2. Поставте всі типи запитань до речення: I helped my friend with English yesterday

rublevaelina57 rublevaelina57    3   19.05.2020 12:56    0

Сережа8910 Сережа8910  15.10.2020 00:20


1.I have never been to London



4.are going

5.are playing

I helped my friend with English yesterday.

What did you do yesterday?

Whom did you help yesterday with English?

What with did you help your friend yesterday?

When did you help your friend?

Who did help your friend with English yesterday?

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