Заранее ) put the worlds in the correct form 2. (talk) to me. 3. we already (listen) to his songs. 4. already (play) his music on tv. 5. mr just ( start) a new album. 6. not (watch) his new video yet. 7. not (invite) any people yet.

Дурень228 Дурень228    3   02.09.2019 01:40    2

aiko20052015 aiko20052015  06.10.2020 10:51
2.He's just talked to me.
3.We've already listened to his songs.
4.They've already played his music on TV.
5.Mr Great has just started a new album.
6.People haven't watched his new video yet.
7.He hasn't invited any people yet.
cmh3 cmh3  06.10.2020 10:51
Просто добавляй везде Ed
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