Заранее Промежуточная 10 класс 1 полугодие.

3. Fill in "the " where necessary.
1) ...Russia is washed by ... Arctic Ocean.
2) ... London is situated on...Thames.
3) ... Amsterdam is the capital of...Netherlands.
4)...Sydney is the largest city on the continent.
5)... UK is separated from ... Europe by ... Straits of Dover.

4. Put in words.
A1___ most Australians live near the sea, sport is very popular, especially water sports. A2___ its overall flatness and regular coastline, Australia is often called a 'sprawling pancake' (растёкшийся блин). A lot of children live on cattle or sheep stations hundreds of kilometers from towns, A3___ they go to boarding schools or stay at home and take correspondence courses. A4___ Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, far away from Asia, Africa, and Europe, it has been called the 'last place on earth'.
A1 1) That's why 2) Because 3) So that
A2 1) So 2) That's why 3) Due to
A3 1) that's why 2) due to 3) because
A4 1) Thanks to 2) So that 3) Due to the fact that

5. What do you know about the geographical position and the life of the people in the USA, the UK, Australia and Russia.
1) Much of the country is a useless desert.
2) The people of this country started the fashion for seasıde holidays.
3) It's known for the frontier experience.
4) It's sometimes called the Land Down Under.
5) No place in it is more than 120 kilometres from the sea.

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olesyag8080 olesyag8080    3   16.05.2020 09:36    4

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