, заранее . Надо ответить с длинными предложениями , примерно 3 или 4 предложения . Theme 3: “American History X” movie

9. Discuss these questions:
1) How do you feel right now? What emotions has this film evoked in you? Where do you think those feelings have come from?

2) What personal experiences have been recalled in you?

3) Why do you think the film is entitled American History X?

4) Why do you think Derek turned into a neo-Nazi?

5) How was Derek (Edward Norton) perspective changed during the movie?

6) What are the attitudes of the headmaster and history teacher towards Danny Vinyard? Whom do you agree with?

7) The name of the white power that the Vinyard brothers belong to is D.O.C. . Use the Internet to find out out what it means.

8) What does Derek learn in prison? Why does he change his attitude?

9) What do you think this film says about racism in the United States today?

10) How is racism different today than it was seventy years ago, before the Civil Rights movement?

11) What’s your opinion about the movie?

chuvataeva chuvataeva    1   06.04.2021 17:12    0

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