)! ) заранее апасибо! ) запишите эти предложения о американских семейных праздниках в пассивной форме( passive form). 1. on christmas the family always decorates the house and makes christmas dinner. 2. in the usa american families celebrate thanksgiving in novemver. 3. after dinner a lot of americans watch american football on tv. 4. before christmas americans buy a lot of christmas presents. 5. people send postcards and give presents on christmas and thanksgiving.

stesha24 stesha24    1   10.08.2019 21:20    4

Evg120058 Evg120058  04.10.2020 10:06
1.On Christmas the houses are always decorated and Christmas dinner is made by the family. 2.In the USA Thanksgiving is celebrated by American families in November. 3.After dinner American football is watched by a lot of Americans on TV. 4.Before Christmas a lot of Christmas presents are bought by Americans. 5.Postcards are sent and presents are given by people on Christmas and thanksgiving.
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