Заповни пропуски підходящими за змістом дієсловами з дужок. у деяких випадках можливі варіанти. 1) she play the guitar rather well. (may, must, can) 2) this baby walk yet. (mustn't, can't, couldn't) 3) you be at two places at once. (mustn't, must, can't, can) 4) you teach an old dog new tricks. (must, can, can't) 5) tortoises run fast. (may not, mustn't, can, can't) 6) the ostrich kill a person with one kick. (may, can, must) 7) i help you if you want. (must, can, may) 8) you finish all the work yesterday. (could, may, can) 9) i sleep well yesterday. (can't, mustn't, couldn't) 10) pupils be late for classes. (can, may, must, mustn't) 11) we boil drinking water because of germs. (can, may, must) 12) he inform you about it. (must, cant may) 13) we show these photos to her. (must, mustn't, can, can't) 14) granny is sleeping. you make a noise. (must, can't, mustn't) 15) we cross the street when the light is red. (must, may, can, mustn't) 16) people take care of nature. (can, may, must, should) 17) i go out? (can, may, must) 18) people live on the moon. (must, may, can, can't) 19) children go to bed late. (can, must, can't, may, mustn't, shouldn't) 20) max take my umbrella. (must, can, may)

maksimwwe00718 maksimwwe00718    1   08.07.2019 16:40    2

fasgame fasgame  25.08.2020 01:36
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