Заповніть пропуски в поданих нижче реченнях, використовуючи модальні дієслова can/can’t, could/couldn’t, must/mustn’t. can could can’t should could would must mustn’t 1) look at other students' work. it's against the rules. 2) are you any good at athletics? how fast you run? 3) we had a lovely room in the hotel. we see the lake. 4) you look tired. you go to bed now. 5) you like a cup of coffee? ' - 'yes, please.' 6) listen to her accent. she be french. 7) you lend me $10? – no, i (negative)

Polina28548 Polina28548    1   09.05.2019 17:06    1

MadiHale MadiHale  09.06.2020 18:28

1) mustn't - правило

в настоящем


4) should - совет

5) would - конструкция would like

6) must be -  "должно быть"

отрицательный ответ, не

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