Заповніть пропуски сполучниками та перекладіть речення: when, while, but, however, besides, owing to, even, though, so

1) We like eating French food we still haven't dined at Le Sacre Coeur.

2) I went to the party last weekend. , I didn't have a very good time.

3) you were out, there was a telephone call for you.

4) he receives this letter, I’ll probably be in China.

5) the recent thefts at the club, we'll be imposing stricter security measures from next month.

6) I didn't want to go to the party I made an excuse and stayed home.

7) My husband likes cooking he just doesn't have the time to do it.

8) Alfred works hard at his job and puts in a lot of overtime. , he doesn't earn very much money from it.

9) Alfred works hard at his job and puts in a lot of overtime he doesn't earn very much money from it.

10) this lecture, let me hand out your homework assignments.

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