Заповніть прогалини необхідними прийменниками (with, about, for, in, of, to against, from, on, at). 1) Don’t be angry … me! I didn’t mean to hurt you.
2) He is a fair-weather friend, he often let me … so we are not friends any longer.
3) Great teacher devote their lives … their job.
4) Why are you shouting … me? You’re so short-tempered!
5) Your success depends … working hard.
6) I’m dreaming … the white Christmas.
7) After 5 years she resigned … her job and moved to Australia.
8) I’m writing to complain … the service at your hotel.
9) Do your parents approve … your new style?
10) My grandfather suffers … heart disease.
11) Can I borrow some money … you?
12) I can always count … my parents.
13) Do you know the news? Den got married … Susan!
14) We’re primary school teachers and specialize … teaching young children English.
15) How do you usually cope … stress?
16) You should concentrate and focus … your studies.
17) My mother is always getting me down … my homework.
18) Have you recovered … the flu yet?
19) Robert is depressed and doesn’t want to go to school because his classmates pick him … .
20) Nothing must distract you … studying when you prepare for tests and exams.​

помогитепожалуйста95 помогитепожалуйста95    3   30.12.2020 22:33    0

nbolshakova1 nbolshakova1  29.01.2021 22:37

1) Don’t be angry with me! I didn’t mean to hurt you.

2) He is a fair-weather friend, he often let me down so we are not friends any longer.

3) Great teacher devote their lives to their job.

4) Why are you shouting at me? You’re so short-tempered!

5) Your success depends on working hard.

6) I’m dreaming of the white Christmas.

7) After 5 years she resigned from her job and moved to Australia.

8) I’m writing to complain about the service at your hotel.

9) Do your parents approve of your new style?

10) My grandfather suffers from heart disease.

11) Can I borrow some money from you?

12) I can always count on my parents.

13) Do you know the news? Den got married to Susan!

14) We’re primary school teachers and specialize in teaching young children English.

15) How do you usually cope with stress?

16) You should concentrate and focus on your studies.

17) My mother is always getting me down about my homework.

18) Have you recovered from the flu yet?

19) Robert is depressed and doesn’t want to go to school because his classmates pick on him.

20) Nothing must distract you from studying when you prepare for tests and exams.​

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