Заполните пропуски, выбрав нужную форму глагола to be: 1) there … a large table in my room. 2) there … 3 windows in my classroom. 3) how many chairs … there round the table? there … four. 4) there …n’t any school on this street. 5) …there many theatres in krasnoyarsk?

ТАААААААААААПКИ ТАААААААААААПКИ    1   31.07.2019 10:20    5

daniil358 daniil358  03.10.2020 18:28
1) There is a large table in my room.
2) There are 3 windows in my classroom.
3) How many chairs are there round the table? There are four.
4) There isn’t any school on this street.
5) Are there many theatres in Krasnoyarsk?
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